If You Didn't Already Know This Is The Extra Long Irritating Webpage Of Raymond Luxury Yacht Inc. Pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove For The Protection Of African SWallows On A Hot Day In December With A Gigantic Yitysevillian Bug Spray Message Removal System On A Cool Night IN June When The Yanks Go Marchin In And The Poms Watch Bruce Football And The World Sits on Giant Yungles Eating SNark Burgers For Your ANnoyment In The Lake After You Cleaned Your Room With Four Million Mr. Bigglesworth Plush Toys Sitting On Your Splunge Removal Cream For Giagantic Ants Who Can't Spell Incorporated!
For Short We are:
This is a test of the emergency annoyment system!
If you are annoyed by the rememberence of some bit when your TV went out like the colours of this background then we congratulate you.
If you do not have a TV, we say, go get one so you can watch Monty Python's Flying Circus.
We kidnappers have used the finest in computer graphic technology to bring you this page in which you too can be annoyed by!
The webmaster was blindfolded and told to type out the html code creating what you see here.
Press a few buttons to see what you can get annoyed by! Thankyou!
There are many annoying factors on this website!
Buttons that don't do anything such as....
An irritating background which produces the bottom scroll bar!
PpL wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs AlL tHiEr LiVeS aNd AnNoY tHe PaKoOkIe OuT oF yOu!
And those who make sentences like this all the time:
Du U want 2 cum bak 2 mI pl8ce l8ter 2nite?
Millions and millions of bits just there to annoy you!!!!!
Text so small and hard to read that you need a MAGNIFYING GLASS to even attempt to read it!