This page is not related to Monty Python. This page has no Python Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Cousins, brothers, Parents, second cousins, great grandparents, grandparents, half sisters, half brothers, half-a-bees, etc's in relation to Monty Python. All quotes and puns and funny things were put together on whim by the webmaster, and the webmaster's kidnappers. All orginal Monty Python material is orginal Monty Python material. The webmaster and kidnappers take no credit for orginal Monty Python thingies. If you liked this website, why don't you try buying a few python books, begging the publishers to republish A liar's Autobiography so the webmaster can read it, buying videos, seeing related films, and support the pythons and all related in as many ways as you possibley can until you die of laughter and become an extra in the world's deadliest joke sketch.....
Well I don't care, I want to know what's going on! I think you're deliberately trying to humiliate people, and I'm going straight out of here and I'm going to tell the police exactly what you do to people and I'm going to make bloody sure that you never do it again. There, what do you think of that? What do you think of that?